Wednesday, May 6, 2009

*yawn* *strettch*

Mike here. Not sure how often I'll be posting, as opposed to Katie who's much more of a serial blogger. Her facebook page is way bigger than mine, for example. Tons of photos.

Anyhow, got home not long ago from Wednesday night Civic Chorale rehearsal. (Right now I'm kind of ticking Katie off by interfering with her resume' writing.) The Chorale's working on Mozart's mass in C minor, which is gorgeous overall, though I still find plenty of passages confusing, and this blasted asthma makes some passages nearly impossible. But unlike some other masses, the tenor part isn't impossibly high so I don't need to rely much on falsetto. Always satisfying to get a good rip at a loud sustained G now & then. But then those runs of eighth & sixteenth notes...yeah. I've got some studying to do.

Katie's come through mightily for dinner tonight. While watching the Celts crush the Magic (under my tutelage she's gone from being an indifferent basketball fan to an occasionally rabid one), she made my garlic & shrimp pizza and had it ready for me when I got home...I've got to say, this wife thing is a pretty good invention. So far so good... (She's also testing her supposed allergy to shrimp. She had one about a half-hour ago, and we're waiting for any reaction. Maybe she'll be covered in spots tomorrow...we'll see!)

We can amuse each other, which is a big deal because this has been one of the most stressful periods of my life. I'm looking desperately for work, and I bounce between feelings of confidence that something will come our way, and despair that nothing at all will. Kind of a drag that a test like this has to occur within the first months of our marriage, but it'll keep things to come in perspective! And I can tell friends about our situation honestly--like talking to Ed's wife Diana tonight before rehearsal, and being frank about hoping not to lose one or both cars, or the condo--and it's a good, relaxed conversation. Obviously people accept the reality of financial difficulties right now, and I generally feel relieved by not trying to hide the basic facts of our situation.

Which is all well and good, but I still need a freaking job. At my most angry and frustrated, I just want to be given a chance. One fair chance to prove myself. We'll see. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the rest of Katie's garlic & shrimp (try it!) pizza.

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