Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life, motherhood, etc ...

Per nagging from my husband, and begging from other family members for more new posts, here I am! Believe it or not I finally have 2, count them, one, two free hands at the moment, so I'm seizing the rare opportunity to share a piece of my mind as well!

The last 5 weeks have been ... different. That's the best word that comes to mind. Bringing little Eva into the world was an intense, irreplaceable, miraculous process which I must say, Michael summarized beautifully! The only bit I might add, from my prospective, was the actual act of giving birth is humbling and empowering all at the same time! The fact that life can be created by two people coming together, and carried for months while it grows from a few simple cells into a complex human all on its own I find incredibly humbling. And when its you who physically brings that life from the inside out, an overwhelming sense of accomplishment permanently instills itself in you! Its a damn good thing that empowering effect takes place though, otherwise I think all mothers would be lost in the first few weeks of learning to deal with their infant!

Ahh, but truly, motherhood is a wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade a second of it (well ... besides the week Eva and I had thrush, that wasn't so peachy). Now that nursing is a non issue though, Eva has become my little buddy and I even look forward to when she wakes up at night and I get to see her pretty little eyes look up at me and cradle her soft head in my hand as she finds comfort and nourishment in me!

Eva has made it apparent too in the last few weeks, that she enjoys her sleep, much like her mother and we've fallen into a routine now after she nurses around 8am she gets some belly (sleep) time next to me in the big bed! After that we make our way down stairs and doodle around for a couple more hours and then get ourselves together for a stroll around the neighborhood. This past week we've also had a doctor's appointment to go to nearly everyday, but the most exciting outing to date, was meeting Rajon Rondo this afternoon! He even autographed her green baby blanket!!! It's pretty much no contest now, I have the coolest baby in all of Rhode Island! :-P

Most importantly though, Eva and I have made two new friends with mommy Lara and baby Eve who live across the courtyard! Eve is 3 months and cute as a button, having recently discovered her hands, and how to smile! Lara is a bit older than myself but we share a similar personality and seem to see eye to on on a lot of issues! The 4 of us went on our first walk together yesterday which turned into a 3 hour long visit! Now it's a bit more difficult to get out the door these days, but we're definitely making the effort to be out and about ... and succeeding most days ... even if it is just to the see the doctor and to the grocery store!

Although life without Mike is far from ideal, we're managing somehow. Life is only perfect though, when morning means coffee grinds fill my nose before I open my eyes, and guitar music ping-pangs its way up the stairs and tickles my ears ... when afternoons are filled with a comforting silence while contemplating over form of literature ... and when evenings are filled with laughter and senseless banter. His presence brings a brilliance to life that cannot be matched or substituted, and despite keeping busy, I miss him dearly every moment of the day!

And yeah sure, so I've got Greg, and Caine, and Pickles ... and soon enough, Rondo, Ray, and Pierce again ... but simply put, ain't no man compares to you Pup! ;-)

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